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Monday, December 29, 2008

3 days in a row

In my ongoing journey to vitality and wellness, I've noticed that good habits can become just as as"habitual" as bad ones. For example, the habit of getting to the gym. This weekend I got there three days in a row. I hardly thought about it on the third day. It just seemed "a given" that I would go. No inner struggle, no resistance. It was becoming a habit.

There's such a positive outcome to going to workout - that nice rush of endorphins, the feeling of aliveness in my body, that boos in metabolism - that I found myself just having a hankering to get over there.

I did workout at the gym three days in a row - Friday,Saturday and Sunday - and it was easy, because I wasn't working those days. Getting there on workdays will be tougher. But if it's an ingrained habit, it will happen. If you can, by sheer will power, begin a series of actions that are proven to make you feel great, then habit can take over. That's when it gets easier, and you don't have to fight an inner battle just to do what's right. The "fun factor" will take over, and guide you into the proper course of action. But in the meantime, train your will, your discipline and your intention on getting to the gym, or the racket ball court, onto your bike, where ever it is that you love to speed your heart lung dynamic duo. Make it a habit!!

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